A free, simple virtual tarot deck. Constantly under construction. Let me know any features to add if you are interested in seeing this tool grow!

How to use:

Click and drag to move cards and workspace,

Scroll to zoom in and out,

Buttons beside deck to:

       -Toggle between the full deck / major arcana / minor arcana

       -Toggle whether to allow upside down cards


Development log


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(5 edits) (+2)

Nice and useful. Thanks! This need more attention because this is only available, simplistic classic virtual tarot deck on the internet.  There are few other ones, but those are 8bit (which is not a bad thing ofc). The only thing that this needs is maybe bigger or customizable field size, for placing cards


I added a zoom feature as well as the ability to move the camera around so you can work with more space. Thank you so much for your feedback!